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Finan recovers Uhtred’s sword and gives it back to Uhtred, who disarms Bloodhair and is moments away from killing him before Ragnar intervenes and calls an end to the battle. Ragnar tells Uhtred to take Skade and leave. ("Episode 3.4")

He tells Uhtred to make a choice: either accept his punishment or allow his friends to kill each other. Uhtred hands his weapons off to Finan and Sihtric and informs Steapa that he will come peacefully to the king. When Alfred refuses Uhtred's term, Uhtred is forced to fight his way out. Uhtred makes it outside the wall, where he reconvenes with Finan and Sihtric and rides off to Dunholm. ("Episode 3.2")

Uhtred explains that Guthlac belongs to the Danes and when they get word that he’s trapped, the Danes will come for them, meaning less men at their camp. Uhtred heads upstairs and smashes a hole rein the roof. He then takes several torches and sets the village on fire. While the men are distracted and scrambling to save the village, Uhtred, Finan, and Osferth exit. Guthlac asks for mercy, but Uhtred kills him and leaves. ("Folge 3.7")

Mercia; They sleep as Uhtred watches over them. Day breaks and the group awakens. Ælfwynn goes following behind a crow, chasing it through the woods on her own.

Edward’s strategy is foolish, and he inevitably falls back as his men are killed. Edward warns them that soon they will Beryllium surrounded and massacred if they don’t surrender. Uhtred hides himself with a shield and approaches Edward while remaining concealed. He tells Edward to Chose back, but Edward sends his men to attack. ("Episode 4.9")

The † means that the individual is dead. The ° means the individual appears more then once rein this Trick.

They’ve come rein search of Skade, who stands rein the church with a human heart in hand. She puts a curse on Uhtred. She holds his heart rein hand and will squeeze it and break it. As Sihtric binds her hands, she claims that Uhtred now belongs to her and his spirit is hers to torment. ("Episode 3.1")

Finan is placed on a slave ship with Uhtred and Halig. headed for the North Sea. They manually row the boat. Uhtred assures Halig that their journey won’t end with them as slaves or hinein a grave.

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She is ,however, allowed to collect grass and herbs by a single tree on the other side of the camp. Uhtred orders Sihtric to tell Skade he is near and to take Finan her by the tree. Sihtric breaks Skade free of her chains and takes her to meet Uhtred at the tree with Finan and Osfeth. The five of them retreat as Hæsten gets word of their arrival. Sihtric leads them to the dock, where they kill the guards before jumping into the ship and sailing away. ("Episode 3.7")

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He instructs young Uhtred to follow the monks to Bebbanburg. However, he is no warrior and questions why his father has such faith rein him. Uhtred explains that he has the spirit of their family within him. It’ll give him a strength that he does not know yet. He instructs young Uhtred to take a horse and ride the road north, close to the shore, where he’ll find the monks and join them. Uhtred, Beocca, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric suddenly find themselves being confronted by the villagers, Weltgesundheitsorganisation are less than welcoming. ("Folge 4.2")

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